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New Imortant Prophetic Words From God From Prophet Tribulation This Is What he Cals Him Self


My wrath will not be held back any longer, for the enormity of this worlds sin is great. My arm of protection is no longer upon you, as you have chosen death over life. I am about to act mightily and in great power across this earth. You will know that your great disobedience brings this upon you. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth as I sweep across your nations. Woe to those who have repeatedly ignored My pleas and the pleas of My Son for repentance. You will all be brought to your knees. You have no idea the force in which I will strike, for I will not be mocked. Prepare for you will reap that which you have sown. None of you has ever experienced this intense darkness that I will send as My final Warning. To the disobedient ones, it will bring immense terror and chaos. Now to My Bride, you will experience this as My greatest act of mercy and I assure you again and again, you have nothing to fear. My judgements are not for you although you must endure for a moment in order that you be My light after these things occur.  It is always darkest before the morning. I will NEVER forsake you for this is My promise. Pay close attention dear ones to My Holy Spirit which resides in you. Listen for instructions. Be ever so vigilant and alert at all times so you will not be caught unaware. Never cease praying. Anchor in Me, your Source and I will comfort you through this dark time and provide you with a peace that I alone can provide. This will commence suddenly to those not walking as One with Me, but I always let My own know what I am about to do. Do not let your guards down. There must not be any openings in your armor in which the enemy can penetrate. It is imperative that you heed these warnings now so desperation and fear do not overtake you. You must not underestimate the enemy, however remember that greater is He in you than he that rules this world. I give you My kiss of peace. You will be triumphant My Bride. I would not have My Bride to suffer long, as My love for her is beyond measure. Although you will see death and very sorrowful situations, it is of the utmost importance that you remember during these times, who you are to Me. You are My chosen, precious jewels in the Kingdom. Stay close to Me now more than ever children, drawing your strength from Me your Heavenly Father, for I will roar from the Heaven’s and everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

Your Eternal Father

December 10, 2013
Doug MacCallum

Word from the Lord returning from Boise, ID.

12/5/13 Thursday

Prepare for the worst.

There will be nuclear devastation as well as weather related devastation. There will be food riots, raping, murder, and all out barbarism. There will be great darkness, naturally and spiritually.

YOU are My Lights! Let Me consume all of you, for then your Lights will be greater. My Hand will be upon each one of you as you yield to Me.

Open your hearts to Me, for there are the issues of Life, My Life. In your waking and your sleeping, I will be there. You need not fear the enemy, for I have overcome him. He knows his time is late and he will do all he can to cause you to stumble and many will because they have not fully trusted Me. My Word will guide you. My Spirit will speak to you as you need instruction, but also comfort and encouragement.

For at the right time I will unleash My Power in ways not yet seen, and has been stored up in My secret armory for many ages, for just this hour. But, do not focus on My wonders, but remain focused on Me. Do not expect with your expectation, but stay focused on Me and My timing for then My Power will be used with pinpoint accuracy and will accomplish what I intend.

All is ready My Beloved. This will be your finest hour in this place of time. For this is also your final preparation for My Plan for you after I return with you, to rule and reign with Me. Have Faith in all that I said. My Words are Truth and Life, and you will be My Mighty Warrior Bride for Me to display to all creation.

Eye has not seen nor ear heard what I AM about to unleash.

Have I not said that if you will humble yourself under My mighty Hand, I will exalt you in due time.


The Order of Events to Come

The Lord spoke these words to me today:
“I so dearly love you, My children, and long for the time when we are together for eternity.  This Bridegroom longs for His Bride!  And I am coming soon! Make no mistake, My dear daughter, I am coming soon!  Much sooner than many think.  But I am speaking to My own so My coming will not be sudden to them.
I have given you knowledge of events to come and this is the order in which they will come:
First of all, there will be a cataclysmic event that will affect all mankind; then there will be darkness over all the earth; then I will reveal Myself to the hearts of every man and woman on the face of the earth.  Their sinful nature will be exposed and they will realise their need of Me.  They will realise that I am indeed their Creator and their Redeemer. That I, Jesus, shed My blood for them on the Cross and that without My forgiveness they will not enter Heaven.  They will be given the choice of accepting Me as their Lord and Saviour, or rejecting Me.
This will be My last intervention from Heaven to a world dying of sin, to save each individual from a fate worse than death – eternity in Hell.  So many think that Hell does not exist.  They think, ‘How could a loving God send anyone to Hell?”  They don’t realise that no sin can enter Heaven and it is only through My shed blood on the Cross that any sin is forgiven.  If My sacrifice on the Cross is rejected, there is no other means to keep that person from eternity in Hell.  If they don’t choose Me as their Lord and Saviour, then I have no power whatsoever over their souls.  They have chosen to align themselves with Satan, who longs to drag My precious children into the abyss of  Hell with himself.  He does not desire this out of any feeling or regard for the person he has deceived, but to thwart Me, as he hates Me so intensely, and therefore he wants to hurt Me by hurting My children.
This is why My intervention is so necessary, as it will lift the veil of deception from the eyes of each and every person on the face of the earth and they will be given the opportunity to choose of their own free will.
The darkness that covers the earth will last for three days and it is during this time that I will manifest Myself to mankind.  Don’t fear this event, My children, for it is out of My great love for you that this event has been prepared since the beginning of time.  After your hearts are purified, My Holy Spirit will invade your beings as never before and you will arise to do great miracles and will lead many to Me in the short time left before I come for My Bride.
Arise, My children, with joy in your hearts, for your Bridegroom cometh for His Bride!
Your Jesus,
Your Bridegroom”


My Outpouring is a Matter of the Heart

This outpouring of My love for you has several purposes. Because of My infinite mercy, I wish to give each of you every possible opportunity to make the choice to follow Me as great judgements are upon this earth. I have been warning you to prepare your hearts, and put your spiritual houses in order. It is a matter of your heart. I stand outside the door of your heart, will you invite Me in? There is a precise order to the events that are coming upon you imminently, and you must decide for Me or against Me. You will all be shown your soul condition in the presence of a Holy and Righteous God. If  you truly desire to fellowship with Me and accept My will in your life, you will lay your burdens and your will down at this time of illumination, and allow Me to completely cleanse your hearts of all iniquities. Your spirit, if you are in complete surrender, will then align themselves with Me, and We then will operate as One. This is an outpouring as was manifested for the Apostles at Pentecost, a time of infusion and of power and might. You will march forward courageously! You will be imbued with My Glory and your entire being will not resist being realigned with My purposes for you. This will be an activation for you, and will serve to equip your spirits to hear Me directly and clearly. Many will be healed during this outpouring of My Grace, those who have completely surrendered, and those in which I find no resistance. Obedience is the key. I say this again My children, obedience is the key. Meditate on this. I am telling you of this event ahead of time because of My great love for you. I desire that you would sweep your house now! There is no need to wait for Me as this illumination will be much gentler to experience if you have done all you can to repent now and come to Me in all humility and brokenness. I require those who will deny themselves to follow Me. Deny all that you desire so that only My desire may reside in you. Do you see? In this way you are pure and holy vessels through which My will can not be hindered. Many, many people will not fair well when this event occurs, as their sin is great and the separation from Me is wide. You will be used to minister, to love, to teach and guide them towards Me. You will be My equipped army. You will heal and perform miracles and the world will know of Me and know that I AM.There will be a cosmic event that will cause complete darkness on this earth for three days and it is then that I will make Myself known to every individual soul. I have shown some of you in dreams and visions this very time. You must prepare for this time, I would not have you caught off guard when this occurs. I have always told My own what I am about to do, and I am telling you now. PREPARE. Do not be afraid. My angels are waiting and ready to assist you. You are so loved and protected. It is just for a short time, and then…..your victory, and our Wedding!  I will use you for a season, again, a short season, to help those around you to see the Light, to see Me, their Creator. All is in order. You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you.
Many Lives Are Lost

My precious children, it is more important than ever now that you heed My words of warning to you. I will warn you of things to come, for I always tell My people what is coming, but you must listen, and obey Me.
Many lives are lost in an instant in a tragedy, many more in My judgments, but you, My precious children, shall be protected if you do not turn from My words to you.
Time is growing shorter and many of My people do not believe the lateness of the hour. I am giving you signs now that this is so. Those who watch and pray will see the signs and know. They are those who shall be ready for My Son’s return. They are those whose lamps will be full of oil.
Busy yourselves with Kingdom work, My children, for the time left to do My work is short now and you lay up for yourselves treasure as you work to bring your brothers and sisters into the Kingdom. Pray diligently and petition consistently for the salvation of the lost and of your loved ones, for I shall answer your prayers to save them! Great shall be your joy and you shall enjoy the fruits of your labor!
I hear your prayers and will answer. The times you don’t hear My voice, I am still near to you, watching you, working with you, loving you. You are all precious in My sight and I desire you would take full advantage of all My Son died to give you in these last days. I desire none of His sacrifice would be in vain.
Enjoy My blessings, children! Glorify Me in all you do! Lift high the Name of My Son Jesus and walk in His ways, that men may see and know Him.
I Am Coming ….

“I am coming, I am coming, I am coming!
Harken not to those who tell you I am not coming for My Bride.  This is a lie, My precious children.  I am most certainly coming for My Bride!  An event will come first to enable more precious souls to come to know Me before time runs out.
The web of deceit is extending across the world, My daughter.  Heed My words only and you will be safe – you and your loved ones.  There is so much coming that would unsettle you if you were not anchored in Me, Your Lord and Saviour.
There is much more coming than you can possibly imagine, My daughter. You are not to fear anything that happens in the world, for I am in it.  I will protect My own no matter  what comes.  Always remember that you belong to Me and to no other.  What is coming no man can imagine. There will be a cataclysmic event that will stagger mankind, but this will be My way of revealing Myself to every man and woman on the face of the earth to give them the opportunity of accepting Me as their Lord and Saviour before time runs out for them.  There is no need for those who are Mine to fear this event, for it is I Who am coming to draw all men unto Myself in such a way that they will recognise their Creator and there will be no mistaking Who I AM.  This is My gift to mankind –  for all those who seek Me in their hearts, but who don’t yet know Who it is they seek.  There are many among the people of every nation who desire after Me – yet they know Me not.  This will be My way of revealing Myself to them and they will know that this is their chance of redemption.  They will know that I am giving them the chance of turning from their sins and receiving Me as their Lord and Saviour.  All your prayers and all the prayers of all My children for the unsaved have been heard, and it is through your prayers that My great mission to draw all men unto Me will be completed in this event.  This will be My last call to mankind before I come for My Bride.  Yes, the ark door will be closing soon.  Stay in prayer, My daughter, for this event is soon to appear.  Tell My children to be in prayer for this event and to pray for the lost while there is still time.
My children, all those who are willing to lay down their lives for My sake and the gospel’s will be honoured.  Anyone who tries to prevent My Word from reaching the lost will be punished.  There will be a move instigated by the enemy designed to prevent My Word from being spread, but he will not succeed, for My Word is written in the hearts of all My children.  Honour Me in your hearts, My dear ones, and I will honour you!”
Get Your Houses In Order

My people, the end times are upon you. The end of all things is approaching, and you must now get your houses in order, for you will all be coming home.

You must now be ready to leave earth at any time. Order your houses thus, as though you knew you would be leaving now. Instruct those who may be left behind. Some of you are scheduled to be leaving very soon and you know it not, and you have not made ready – either in your spirits or your houses.

You must understand the seriousness of the times you live in. Do you not see the grave threats abounding in the world around you now? Do you not see the signs foretold in My Holy Word for these times?

Earthquakes and famines are coming that are like nothing you have ever seen. Plagues the world knows nothing of.

Prepare your houses, your minds and your spirits as though you were leaving tomorrow. Then watch and pray for My Son’s soon return.
Nothing to Fear

I  had been praying all evening asking the Lord why He had not spoken in so long to us, and talking to Him about all the craziness that has been going on. I had just begun eating my evening meal when He began to speak this message.
My people have nothing to fear.

Nothing can touch your lives but what I allow.  I desire you would look to Me for all the answers to your questions. I desire you would depend on Me for your supply, that you would all know and believe I am your provider.

Why do you fear the future, My little ones? You live now in the future you feared years ago. Are you not well and taken care of? Why have you not learned to trust Me?

Yes, the world around you is beginning to descend into chaos, but this I warned you of aforetime.

Fear not, My little ones, for I am the Mighty Jehovah, and I am able to hide My children even in the very midst of chaos!

(Editorial note from Tribulation-Now: Please note that this title was given to sister Bonnie by the Lord and coincidentally matches the subtitle which the New King James assigned to the “Sixth Seal”.  The Third Seal will unravel, global financial collapse, martial law, riots, awful things, war events etc.; then the Sixth Seal events will occur which include the Three Days of Darkness that coincide with the sun turning black in Rev 6:12-13)

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Cosmic Disturbance

“My daughter, keep trusting in Me to reveal Myself more fully to you in these dark times. The cosmic event is truly upon you now and you will receive more warning in the coming days to give you time to prepare for this event.

There is more coming, My child, than you could possibly imagine, but there is to be no fear in your heart for I have fore-ordained everything that is to come to pass. My children will be infused with power from on high and through My Holy Spirit will be sent out as witnesses to bring in the last harvest before the door closes.

Before this is to take place, you will experience a sudden cataclysmic event caused by a cosmic disturbance that will be seen and heard all over the world. When this event comes to pass you will know that the three days of darkness are upon you. You must go to your homes and stay indoors. My angels will protect you from harm. There will be time between the cosmic event and the darkness falling for you to go to your homes with your families and remain safely inside. I will be giving each one of you specific instructions through My Holy Spirit at that time. My angels will be surrounding your homes and properties and keeping you safe from the evil one and the coming darkness.

This is all I am giving you now. I will give you more later as the time for this event comes closer.

Your Jesus ~ Your Bridegroom”

(Editorial Note from Tribulation-Now: While it is not evident that pastor TD Hales understands the rapture of the Bride of Jesus Christ, as he has never made mention of it that we are aware of, woven within the words / visions which the Lord has given him the rapture exists clearly for those who can see, praise Jesus.  These words, which Hale is passing along, match beautifully with the warnings from other wonderful Godly sources.  Remember the rapture happens after these calamities during the unfolding of the Sixth Seal (global earthquake, sun turns black, comets, pole shift, etc. Rev 6:12-17))

T.D. Hale
January 4 at 5:14am · Edited ·

A word given to a handmaiden of the Lord. I had a strong feeling to share this because I know her to be a true saint of God:

“Wails of trouble are on the horizon. The earth is open for much sorrow and pain to be seen. Faith will be tried as the opening of hell increases. The time to flee has come upon this people. The heavens will reel and smoke at the effects of the sounds of war breaking forth. Times will change suddenly and new trouble will erupt daily, things that have not been seen until this time. The hurt will be seen on faces as they see & hear horrible sights and sounds.

Will you stand and cry unto me when the eagle is seen fallen from the sky? Will you yet hope when the earth begins to shake violently? Do not lose hope my people, for these things must be but the end is not yet. I long to see my own delivered out of the chaos of the falling society. But you will see much of the effects of sin being judged, as the fire falls from the skies…never think that all is lost for you are mine and will come forth out of all the deep darkness and emerge in victory.

I will be with my people in mighty ways. Many will be delivered as the kingdoms of earth are shaken to her core. I will send a word as needed to show you my will for you my seed. We will be as a well watered garden in the midst of a dry dessert. Let not your heart be troubled for all will fall into place and I will keep you in this hour of controversy.

Men that thought themselves above the Almighty but have not yet seen My Mighty power unleashed. So fear not when I let loose my wrath in many areas. I will set you in a safe haven, when needed. I know this surprises you,(this was to her personally) but do not be alarmed. Faith will come for each step of the journey. I am leading this Exodus and we will exit the burning. Do not lose sight who is in control.

” 12/31/13 3:40 PM
Jan 18, 2014



Sunday, August 11, 2013
And Then I Come for You!
“Daughter, take heart, for I know you are concerned about what is coming. This event of which I have spoken is a cataclysmic event that will affect all of mankind. You, My Bride, will be protected but you will see many things you would rather not. This is why I keep telling you to keep your focus on Me, your Lord and Saviour. My Bride will be used in a mighty way to bring in the Last Harvest before I bring you all home to Me. So many of you are anxious and concerned and want to know when … when … when … this event will come! But, My children, you have taken your eyes off Me, your Lord and Saviour and your Provider! I am to be your First Love and your trust must be entirely in Me to provide for you and to protect you, no matter what happens. Yes, I have said, I will give you warning – so fear not. This event has been planned since the creation of time. Nothing will prevent My will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Remember that I told you there will be a short span of darkness you will need to walk through before I come for My Bride, and there will be a time when it may appear that I have forsaken you ~ but nothing could be further from the truth! No matter what happens and no matter how you feel, I have not forsaken you and never will forsake you! It will be at this time that you must strengthen your faith in My Word, the Bible, and in My personal words spoken to you. Just because you may not be able to feel Me for a short span, know that I am with you, regardless of your feelings, and I will bring you through.

There is so much coming, My daughter, as I have told you. Know that when things begin to happen, they will come in quick succession and there will hardly be time to catch your breath in between these events. Know that My time has come for My wrath to be poured out on the Earth because of the vileness of her sins. But you, My precious Bride, will be protected.

Remember too, I have told you, I have work for you to do. My Holy Spirit will infuse you and you will go out and bring in the Great Last Harvest and then I come for you, My precious children, My beautiful Bride ~ and then I come for you!”


Tribulation Dream:

The Angel of the Lord Over the Statue of Liberty

This week I had a dream.  It was a terribly frightening dream.  In it, I saw a huge angel standing suspended in the air over New York harbor.  It looked so large that it covered the night sky.  His body was clad in golden armor as if he was going to war.  His face and entire being were so bright that I could not gaze up at him for long.  White beams of light seemed to radiate outward from him in all directions. He was standing over the Statue of Liberty. It was night, but I could hardly see the lights around him coming from New York City as he blazed so brightly with divine light.

He reached for his belt that was covered with a red sash around his mid section, and drew out his sword.  It was so massive! It blazed with light and fire all around it.  It looked at least 100 feet long!  I have never felt such fear when I saw an angel before.  I just knew this mighty warring spirit had authority from the very throne of God.  He had a grim expression as he held this mighty sword over his head with both hands.  I could see that he was poised to hit the Statue of Liberty and cleave it in two!  I trembled and tried to hide, but the angel was looking directly at me, and I knew there was nowhere to go that he would not see me.

Then he spoke! His voice was like thunder and echoed throughout the whole harbor.  He said,

“How long will you refuse to humble yourself, O America!  You have been weighed in the balances of God and found wanting.  Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction! 

Thus saith the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the LORD of Hosts,

‘Time is running out.  The bowls of My wrath are full of My fury and judgment.  They shall be poured out upon you.  You shall drink them down…to the dregs…every drop! I have come to you day and night pleading with you to return to Me for over one hundred years.  I am merciful and long suffering.  It brings Me no joy to judge you. But, you have hardened your hearts, scoffed at My warnings through My prophets, and my holy servants.  I brought you from nothing and exalted you, O America, higher than any other nation!  But now you have fallen lower than Sodom.  You have sinned greater than Egypt.  You have become prouder than Babylon and Persia.  You have become more selfish than Rome.  You have exalted yourself in your own wisdom higher than Greece.  You have more idols and high places of idolatry and luxury than any Gentile kingdom in history.  Your beginning was pure and great, butnow the stench of your sin and filth fills My nostrils!  I shall cut you in pieces and you shall reap the harvests of wrath from what you have sown!  You shall no longer be the Queen of nations.  Now you shall bear your shame and become the lowest of the heathen nations! Now, as Agag, you shall be hacked in pieces!  O EARTH, EARTH, EARTH, HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD!”
Then, to my horror, that massive sword came smashing down on Lady Liberty.  When it hit the top of her head, there was a blinding flash of light and that sword split her in two – right down the middle!  Then the sword came again and again against her.  It divided her in pieces.  As the sword would finish each strike, fires would burst forth.  I heard terrible explosions.  The vision of the Statue ended with an earthquake as it was hacked into pieces and sunk into the harbor.

I was weeping and crying out to God for mercy.  Never had I seen this side of God before.  I had only really known the love and goodness of Him, never had I seen the Wrath of the Almighty!

Then, as if I was watching from a zoomed-in close up…the dream shifted and I started to zoom outward from New York harbor and started traveling in the air over America.  What I saw was horror beyond anything I have ever seen!  I saw the United States seem to crack in two with a giant earthquake – right down the middle!  I saw the Southeastern United States covered with a giant wave of water from the ocean.  I saw a massive earthquake that just seemed to crack off the coast of California.  It reminded me of a Saltine cracker that just cracked in two!  The great cities along the West coast just fell into the ocean, all the way from Mexico up to Alaska and giant waves flooded inland until much of the West Coast just wasn’t there!  It had disappeared into the Pacific Ocean.

Then I saw three giant rocket missiles that took off into the air.  Two came from out of the ocean waters, and one came from land and traveled a great distance.  All of them blew up in the air one, two, and THREE in the upper atmosphere within five minutes of each other.  It was out near space.  They were terrible nuclear bombs.  But the last one was the biggest and it created a huge mushroom cloud over the Midwest part of America.  Then the ground shook and everything just went black.  There wasn’t any electric light coming out of any homes. Then candles began to be lit and fires, and a little light was seen.  There were other nuclear explosions, and many people perished throughout the nation.  There was just twisted metal and charred debris in cities that once were tall and majestic.

There was widespread looting and gangs roaming about everywhere with guns, stealing whatever food and supplies they could find.  Then I saw what looked like elite riot police by the thousands go into communities and even cities, force the people out of their homes, and brought into what looked like concentration camps.  Some, but not all of these “police armies” had light blue helmets on.  Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested in this way.  Many would not “cooperate” and were just shot and left dead in their homes.

But, there were millions of hidden groups that escaped the first wave of these terrible disasters. Revival broke out, and great evangelists and prophets and apostles rose up and began to preach to thousands out doors, and many were saved and were born again.  Miracles of provision, multiplication of food and water, and astonishing healings occurred.  Millions of people cried out to God andhe heard and answered.

I knew that this was not just happening in America, but the Great Tribulation was upon them, and all over the world these calamities were also taking place.

I saw multitudes of Tribulation saints refusing to renounce Jesus as LORD.  They were starving, many of them, but still refused to take the stamp on their bodies so they could eat and live.  There was what looked like kiosks that were in every little town.  They advertised food and water, only if you went inside them and took the electronic mark.  Some went in, bowed down to a holographic movie images of the Antichrist and were branded in their hands and foreheads with a electronic tattoo-like stamp.  When they came out, if they came out, they had a zombie-like look.  Their minds and souls were gone.  It looked like they had a spiritual lobotomy.  Then these immediately joined the armies of those police units, and were given weapons after they were fed and drank and rested in the kiosk.  They were like robots doing the Antichrist’s bidding.  I knew that they were lost forever.  But, quite a few did not make it out.  They were tortured mentally and physically inside the kiosk thing, but, if they still refused the mark of the beast, there was a laser that shot through their brain and heart, and sliced their heads off.  Then they were immediately incinerated.  Nothing but ashes remained.  This was the most horrifying of all.  It made the Nazi death campslook like a picnic, it that is possible. Millions of people were executed in this way via computer systems automatically with such precision and efficiency that I marveled that something like this was even possible and could take place on such a large scale.  The technology was more advanced than I had ever seen.

Then, I was back looking at that terrible angel of the LORD, and he said,

“Warn everyone!  Flee from the wrath to come.  Repent and turn to Jesus while you still can.  Pray that you may escape these things that are shortly to happen, and to stand in the Presence of the LORD.  These things are about to take place!  Turn to God and cry out for mercy.  Come into the ark of Salvation before the doors of grace close and it is too late!”


Maurice Sklar



(Biological, Chemical, Nuke, Comets, a Year of Horror)

(Biological, Chemical, Nuke, Comets, a Year of Horror)


As I tried to look away from my black surroundings, a small light started to shine in front of me, and the darkness, sounds and feelings that had so completely oppressed me started to fade into the background. The light grew bigger, and a window opened up much the same as when I had witnessed my life’s review. This time however, a panoramic view of the entire earth lay before me. It came closer and closer as if I had been out in space and was flying toward it.I knew what was happening was intended to help me make my decision about going back to the earth and my terrible life. A part of me wanted to go back to the beautiful spirit world, or paradise, that I had seen, and another part of me felt the need to be reunited with my body so I could change my life. It was a tug-of-war, and what I was about to see was to help me understand what I would be going through if I chose to go back to my ‘body of clay.’Again the view before me played out like a videotape in fast forward motion, and yet I could see the scene in perfect clarity and was able to comprehend everything that transpired.


As the earth zoomed up into my view, I first saw the whole world, and then various countries. It was made clear to me that in the future there would be wars and troubles, including nuclear attacks in various places of the world, and a view of how it would start was given.I am not familiar with the geography of the world, but as I looked a the various lands before my view I instinctively knew what countries they were. Looking at the Middle East, I watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel. The mushroom cloud that resulted from the blast was visible, and I knew that the missile contained a nuclear bomb. I was aware that those responsible for the missile were Iranian, but the missile had been hidden and fired from within the borders of Libya.


Almost immediately after this, other missiles began flying from one country to another, quickly spreading war around the world. I also saw that many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from bombs of some kind on the ground.



My focus then changed from the Middle East to the United States, and I understood that I was about to see some of the things that would lead up to the nuclear holocaust that I had just witnessed.


As I looked upon the continent of North America, I zeroed in on the eastern coast and then on New York specifically. I saw New York City with all of its people and buildings. I then saw some tall buildings crashing to the earth surrounded by tremendous amounts of smoke, dust, and debris.I zoomed in closer into the smoke and dust, and I saw a woman holding a little girl’s hand and running from the crashing buildings. The woman had long dark hair, hanging past her shoulders and curled inward slightly. She wore a beige business suit, heels of a slightly darker color, perhaps tan, and she was not wearing glasses. The little girl appeared to be about 6 or 7 years old with short brown hair reaching below the chin and cut in a type of pageboy look. They ran together, holding hands and trying to escape from the falling buildings. As they ran through the heavy smoke and dust, they were forced to let go of their hands and became separated. The child was terrified, and I could hear her screaming, “Mommy, mommy!” over and over again.I don’t know their outcome, if they lived or died, but I can still see the face of the woman clearly and could easily identify her from a photo or describe her to a sketch artist. I asked if an earthquake had caused the buildings to fall and felt impressed that the answer was no. However, I was not given any indication as to the cause of the destruction. (Incidentally, I told this story many, many times before September 11, 2001. When I did see on television the World Trade Center towers collapsing, I knew that this was what I had seen.


The next thing that came to me was more felt than seen. It was the understanding that shortly after the crashing of the buildings in New York City, commerce ceased. Shopping and buying seemed to stop, and the economy failed **throughout the world**. Few had any money at all, and those who did have it could not buy anything of worth with it. Gold and silver and other commodities had value and could be traded.


I then saw a man walk into a middle of a crowd of people and drop what seemed like a quart jar full of liquid. The jar broke and the liquid spread. I understood that people nearby had become infected with a disease from the liquid, and ***they didn’t even know it***.

A day or two later the people became sick and started dying. I saw that this would happen in four particular cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City.

The disease started with white blisters, some the size of a dime, appearing the hands, arms and face of the victims. The blisters quickly developed into white puffy sores. Those with the disease would stumble around and fall over dead. Many died within a short time, perhaps 24 hours.


I also saw other people with a flu-like virus that spread more quickly than the first disease. The victims had blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. These people died even faster of this disease than the ones who had the first sickness.


These diseases became wide-spread across the United States with hundreds of thousands infected.As the people were fleeing the cities in the hope of saving their lives, gangs were attacking them and killing them.

In the towns that were struck with disease there was chaos, with looting, rioting and murders involved in a complete breakdown of society. Many people seemed to go crazy.


I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere and that nothing was running throughout the country, including any of the communication systems. I watched people throw rocks through windows to steal TV’s that would not work and thought it was very strange.

While I watched all this happening in the United States, my view instantly jumped back to the Middle East, and I saw the same thing taking place in Israel. The same sores and the same types of sickness and disease that were plaguing the U.S. had also been unleashed in Israel.The switch in view only lasted an instant, and I was back in the United States.


There was a tremendously long winter that caught everyone by surprise following the siege of sickness. It started early and lasted into the summer months. A famine had begun over the few years leading up to the long winter because of storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had taken place; and the abnormally long cold period seemed to cause the famine to suddenly increase to its full measure.

In the period of time following the disease, which was quickly followed by the long winter, things started going down hill very quickly. Events piled up one on top of another without any breaks.


My sense of timing was not very clear at this moment; however because I was seeing several things happening all at the same time or very close together.


During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy and the electricity were completely gone. Chaos and anarchy reigned over the entire United States. Without any government there was a total breakdown, and I saw people panicking everywhere. They were trying in vain to find food. There was none. I saw people even digging in the ground for worms to eat because they were so hungry from the lack of food.Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little drinking water, and the remaining water had become contaminated, so that if a person drank it they would contract the disease and die. Because of their great thirst many people drank the water in spite of the danger of poisoning and died.I mentioned earlier the gangs that killed people trying to escape the cities. It seemed that some of the people had lost their minds and went around in these gangs killing people just for the sake of killing; others killed for food or to gain some material possessions from their victims. Those that were killing for no reason were like beasts: animals completely out of control, as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people. I saw these gangs go into the homes of those who were hiding. They would drag them out of their hiding places, rape and dismember them.For many there was an unnatural fear and hatred that came over the people. Family ties that once existed between husbands and wives, parents and children no longer mattered. The only thing that mattered was individual survival. Men would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. For me, the events that then lay before me were horrible beyond description and almost unbearable to watch.The air everywhere was filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned with no attempt to control the fires.

(ISAIAH 60:1-3)

 (Glory Light)

As I looked upon this scene of chaos, smoke and destruction I noticed that there were small pockets of light scattered over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them that I saw. I noticed that most of the locations of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four of them being in the east. These places of light seemed to shine brightly through the darkness and were such a contrast to the rest of the scene that they caught my attention.

I focused on them for a moment and asked, ‘What are these things?’

I was then able to see that these points of light were people who had gathered together and were kneeling in prayer. The light was actually coming from the people, and I understood that the light was showing forth their goodness and love.

I further understood that they gathered together for safety and that, contrary to what I had witnessed everywhere, the cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small with only a hundred people or so, but other groups consisted of what seemed to be thousands.I realized that many, if not all, of these places of light, or cities of light as I began to think of them, had somehow been established just before the biological attack, and that they were very organized. It was as if they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I did not see who or what had organized them, but I did see many people struggling to reach them with nothing but what they could carry.

(ISAIAH 60:1-3)

The cities of light had food that others outside of those groups did not have, and within the cities of light food was readily shared with those who joined their groups. In these places there was peace and safety. The inhabitants were living in tents of all kinds, many of which were no more than blankets held up by poles. I noticed that the gangs made no threats on these groups and left them completely alone, choosing to pick on other targets and unprotected people, as many of the people in those cities had guns that they would use for self-defense. The gangs also preyed upon the people who were traveling, trying to reach the cities of light.


As I looked upon them, I realized that these cities of light were temporary and that in a short time the people living within them would go to another place. I do not know where they were to go but seemed to think that they gathered in the mountains, to higher places.


As I was viewing the cities of light, my focus changed, and I became aware of missiles being launched and hitting U.S. cities. I watched as mushroom clouds started forming over many areas of the United States. Some of the clouds came from missiles that I knew were fired from Russia, and others were not from missiles at all, but from bombs that were already in the United States. These latter bombs had been hidden in trucks and in cars driven to certain locations and then detonated. I specifically saw Los Angeles, Los Vegas, and New York City hit with bombs. New York City was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by at least one truck bomb, if not several, because I didn’t see any missile. I also saw a mushroom cloud from north of Salt Lake City, but without the aid of a missile.


In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I’m not sure if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds. The balls fell from the sky, were of different sizes – most being the size of golf balls – and were very hot. There were millions of them. As they fell from the sky they left streaks of flame and smoke behind them. Everything they touched started on fire: people, buildings, trees, or grass. Everything burned. I didn’t ask what they were or where they had come from because by this time I was sick because of the scene before me, and so I observed without asking many questions.

(part of nuclear war)

At almost the same time and in the same locations as the mushroom clouds, I saw Russian and Chinese troops invading the United States. The Russians were parachuting at many spots along the Eastern Coast; I also saw them parachuting in Utah. Chinese troops were invading from the West Coast near Los Angeles. They were met with resistance from those who had survived the disease and bombs. I did not see any United States military there at that time.The invasion was part of the nuclear war that I had seen earlier, and I knew that similar events were taking place all over the world as I had seen previously.


I did not see much of this war, but was impressed that it was short in duration and the Russian and Chinese armies lost and left. No explanation regarding how or why was received.Now the smoke became very heavy, dark and thick.


Just as things appeared to be as bad as they could get, the earth began to quake. This occurred during a winter, seemingly the winter that followed the very long one I had seen earlier. The chaos had existed for almost a full year by this time.

The earthquakes began in the west, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread in every direction. I saw a huge earthquake hit Utah, and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but they were especially devastating in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. San Francisco appeared to turn upside down.

The multiple earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the west, and they started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air, causing it to become very dark and dirty and blocking much of what was left of the sunlight.There were also huge waves of water that swept over the west coast, and as I saw them I realized that this same thing was happening to coastal cities all over the world. The waves were so huge that Los Angeles was nearly swept away.I saw a wall of water taller than some of the buildings, perhaps as high as fifteen or twenty feet, sweep through Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange because of its location so far from the ocean, and wondered how a wave could travel all the way to Salt Lake City. I was impressed that the wave had not originated at the ocean, but was from under ground. I quickly noticed great cracks in the earth around Salt Lake City opened up and saw water shooting up out of the ground. I felt that deep under the ground was a huge amount of water and that the earthquakes had forced it up to the surface. Most of the buildings were swept away or destroyed when the water swept over the city. In fact there had been tremendous destruction, with only a few buildings left standing. The water coming from underground stretched from Idaho down to near Cedar City, Utah, and was very destructive.As I looked, I could see that cities all over the country had been devastated, and there was rubble everywhere. Most of the buildings were destroyed.

However, I realized that even though there was tremendous destruction from earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes, and tidal waves, the majority of the deaths were caused by the gangs of roving marauders that killed for pleasure.As I studied the scene for a moment, the thought occurred to me that the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible acts of cruelty that were happening upon it and was finally reacting through these natural disasters. The earth was attempting to cleanse itself of the chaos and evil that had engulfed the people.

The ash and smoke from the volcanoes had increased, and there was now almost complete darkness everywhere upon the earth.The diseases also increased in devastation, and I saw people literally dying on their feet. I saw another particular disease that started with red blotches, and then the victims would start to bleed from every opening in their bodies. Then the people literally disintegrated, or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. The sight was horrendous, as death and the dead were everywhere.After this second terrible winter, I saw the survivors pile up the dead into huge piles to burn them. The stench was sickening. Some of the bodies had been burned during the time of chaos, but because people were more concerned with their survival they had mostly ignored the dead around them.

A huge earthquake occurred in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge, miles wide, and as it opened up the earth seemed to swallow everything. Water flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes did not exist any longer, however, as they became part of a large inland sea.


Then I saw another series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But they were not many, separate earthquakes, rather it was all part of one gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake waters overflowed their boundaries onto land all over the world. There were again huge walls of water along all of the coastal regions. This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I am not sure if the earthquake that split the United States in two was a part of this worldwide quake or not.

(More Sixth Seal)

Next I saw a mighty wind come upon wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit, I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to try to escape its fury. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed that everything that had been left was now blown away.I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the mighty wind were somehow caused by a huge planet-like object, that had come very close to the earth and had disrupted everything. It was also made clear to me that it was very near the “end” when this happened.


Now my perspective changed: I once again viewed the entire earth from a distance. I then saw a huge fireball, much larger than the earth, approaching our planet. It was extremely bright red and gold in color, and it engulfed the whole earth. When I witnessed this event I could not help but feel the difference between it and everything else that had occurred, and so I asked what this was that I saw. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is described in the Bible.


I understood that just before the fireball’s appearance Jesus had appeared, and the good people I had seen earlier had left with Him and were no longer on the earth. The few people left behind were those wicked who had survived the earlier devastations. The picture of the earth engulfed by this huge ball of red and gold fire slowly faded away into blackness.


Vision 2)

It was in the middle downtown Los Angeles, California. Holy Spirit taught me that was on the Wilshire Boulevard. A young man and woman were walking in the sidewalk along the street. They were heading west with pastor sori parkthe man walking to the bush side and the woman walking to the street side. The man was making an impassioned speech to the woman, criticizing Jesus. Being lost in his rational criticism, he called the Bible irrational and made comments to ignore Christianity. The woman was walking carefully and praying inside without any response to his remarks with her head down a little bit and a book held in her chest.

‘Have mercy on him, Lord.’

In the middle of her prayer, she suddenly heard loud trumpet sound from the sky.

“Rise up here!!!”

She looked up in the sky with her face full of joy and excitement. She had no time to express her joy because she was raised up into the air the moment she looked up. He suddenly found her gone and looked around in bewilderment to find her, when there was a clash in the street. The downtown street was traffic jammed, which means the car accident was a fender bender instead of a huge one. God granted me spiritual knowledge as I was watching the scene and taught me that the trumpet sound are only heard by those who get raptured.

With much traffic in the area, cars were moving slowly. There would not be many people who were ascending into the air in those circumstances, which gives some idea about how much spiritually corrupted cities are. I was looking down at the scene high up in the air and asked Jesus, “What will the world say about people being raised up into the air, Jesus?”

He gave me accurate and detailed answers:

“NASA of the United States will make an announcement that thousands of UFO from a distant planet in the universe surrounded the entire earth and abducted numerous people around the world with a powerful ultramodern sucking machine in one moment, promising to make further investigations into the matter and trying to cover it up.”



I was immediately standing in front of the desk in the Oval Office. Standing in the Oval Office, I was in front of the President. A voice came forth and said, “Weep and howl for the misery that shall come shortly.”

There on the floor of the Oval Office was the eagle I saw him shoot back in December. He walks from behind that desk with the same smirk I saw on TD Halehis face and puts his foot on the neck of the eagle. At this point, he picks it up by its head and twists it three times until his head comes off of the body.

At that point that voice said, “The spirit of Rehoboam.” I knew what that meant and I knew it rested upon the President.

The President of the United States was totally dressed in black: suit, tie, shirt, shoes, pants, etc. As I was standing in front of him, looking directly at him, all of a sudden his chest cavity began to open and his heart was exposed. As I was looking at his heart, thick, black, dark mist was swirling around his heart.

At this point he, picked up a gavel which was part wood and part stone. Handle was wood; head of the gavel was stone. He hit a document on the desk and when he did an earthquake hit Washington.

All of a sudden, I was standing above the White House and saw the earth open and it went toward the Washington Monument, then toward the Jefferson Memorial.

At that point, an odd-color rain started falling, the color of fire.  It started slowly coming down and intensified little by little until the waters started rising; the starting point was Washington, D.C.

As the waters started rising, I went up a little higher into the atmosphere and saw the map of the United States. The waters left Washington and began to flood the nation.  I saw it hit MD, WV, OH, MI, KY, IN, SC and on and on until it covered America. On the document on the desk of the President was written, “The Final Abomination.”

I began to hear screams across the nation, as if it was a mournful sound. I thought of Noah and what it must have been like for the people outside of the Ark as the flood waters came in and they knew they had not listened to Noah or the voice God gave to them to speak. The screams were as if their lives were over and there was no hope.

As I was still in the air, and I am going to try and explain this as best I can, I saw America in this state of being covered with flood waters and then, all of a sudden, I saw beams of light quickly coming out of the flood waters like a speed of light quickly going up into the air. Millions it looked like but at that moment I was taken above the earth and then I saw it around the world.  Possibly they were the prayers of the saints.

After this point, now I was back to the earth, as if I was back to the beginning of all of this. I heard a voice say, “The shifting has begun!” At this point, I was looking over top of megachurches and, like a flash, a voice said, “A breeding ground for sin.  The people know not Me but play around their calf.” (I know that as we enter into the “time of the end” it will not be large churches but home meetings of where the saints will gather in secret where God will abide and speak in the last days because of the persecution that will come upon this generation.)

Then, at this point, I was looking again at homes of people I knew loved and served God. I saw the homes of men and women who were gathered together, praying in deep prayers across the nation and a voice that said, “The season is upon the nation. Because you have set the abomination before my eyes, I will set judgment before yours! When will these things be?” said the voice, “After he will be sworn in.”

The Rapture Vision of 1996
(Originally Published on Five Doves)

The coming events or warnings to happen just before the rapture takes place.
Dearly beloved doves, and brothers and sisters in Jesus name. This is the vision given in 1996 concerning world wide events to happen from one to bronze-ballthree weeks before the actual Rapture. This I told to many friends, and was often hurt at the disbelief, and cold shoulders of many Christian friends that I finally just put it on the back shelf, and let it sit for the last 13 years.

I now feel that the Rapture is so close that it needs to be told, urgently. I agree with our Christian brother John Tng that there has been so many dreams and visions of the Rapture that probably no one will believe this one either, but that is okay. All I pray for is everyone to remember. Like our Bible says, the vision will prove itself with time and testing. By remembering these visions, it will or can save you much needless suffering.

The Lord does not want to hurt his bride.

The Appearance of a Large Sphere in the Sky

There is going to appear above the earth (in the sky) a strange object, it will be large and sphere shaped, like a ball. It will look like it’s been built in sections, like a football with huge rivets at the seams. Many will call this a UFO, I don’t know. It will have the color of copper or bronze. It will be on every TV around the world. People will be shocked like the World Trade Center. People will be glued to their TV’s but you don’t.

The minute you see this, run to the closest food store and get enough canned food and bottled water for about three weeks, because between one and 24 hours after this object is seen world wide there is going to be a massive impact or collision on our sun’s surface. It is going to happen on our blind side, we can’t see it coming. It’s going to be a super size twin asteroid hitting the sun in a vital spot, releasing a major solar storm, knocking out all of earth’s electricity, all over the world. Those of you who read this will save yourself and your family much misery.

2 to 3 Weeks of Trial and Miracles

Now, this is what’s going to happen in the next 2 or 3 weeks, while the electricity is off. Within a few days the whole world will start to go crazy with hunger. The banks and ATM’s can’t work without electricity. No gas pumps for food transportation, no refrigeration, total darkness. The robbers, rapists, and murderers will see right away that no one can call the police for help, because the solar storm has burned up all communication satellites, cell phones and telephones. The law can’t even call each other. It’s going to be total breakdown in large cities. There will be gun shots and screams all night long. Millions will be behind locked doors, praying and begging for God’s mercy, for help and protection. He will answer millions of prayers. Millions will ask for forgiveness, and the Lord and his saints will perform millions of miracles during these three weeks.


Then after about 3 weeks of this, the Rapture will happen. Although there are different time zones around the world, the Lord showed it will be night here in Florida, USA. In this vision, I was taken in the spirit out in the woods behind my house in Florida.

During the spring or early summer, it started at night. I didn’t hear any trumpets or words (come up hither) but I know there’s going to be, because the Bible says so. As I was standing there in the spirit of course, in the middle of some trees, a huge blue beam of light came down like a big flashlight, about a thirty foot circle around me.

The blue light was identical in color to a welder’s arc light at night. It was so blinding I put my hands over my eyes to see if I could see where or what this light was coming from. Then I noticed in the distant night sky, north, south, east, and west of me, blue colored stars jetting off the ground spiraling upwards traveling fast, they were heading for the bright blue object that was shining that beam of light down on me. It could have been the Lord or an open door to heaven. I really could not tell, it was so bright and blinding.

Anyway, these little blue stars were going up in clusters. Different numbers depending on the size of town around me. Then all of a sudden when they reached about 9:00 high they burst into 10 times their size. Then I realized it was those alive in Christ joining those dead in Christ.

I was too far away to see any new regenerated bodies or white gowns, but I’m sure they were. Then suddenly I was again taken out of my body off to the side to look at myself standing in the light. That’s when I saw my own flesh glossing white as lightning, all my flesh, head and arms, my clothes remained the same. Then instantly, I vanished and my clothes fell to the ground. From what I saw in this vision, I was the last to go because all the alive in Christ had joined the risen dead.